Association of Friends of the Ziemia Kącka was founded in 2009. It concentrates a group of socially active people interested in what surrounds them - the region, its history, monuments, tourist and landscape values. The Association is a regional organization which was created to collect, develop and popularize in different forms, all kinds of documents, photographs, archaeological finds, books, articles, etc., relating to cities and commune of Kąty Wrocławskie. The collected files can be viewed at the Regional Chamber of Remembrance which is located on the first floor of the old evangelical church in Kąty Wrocławskie – Rynek 2. In the circle of our concern is the state of local landmarks, as well as all activities to protect them.
The Chamber is open to all comers every Saturday from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm . Admission is free. For groups or persons trafficked is possible to view our collections at other times by prior arrangement by telephone, tel 48 605 066 481
Homepage: http://www.smzk.katywroclawskie.com