- BLUE - connecting the city of Wroclaw (Muchobór Wielki) with the Landscape Park "Valley of Bystrzyca," and ultimately with "Ślężańskim Landscape Park." Passes in sequence through the village following commune: Zachowice, Krobielowice, Sośnica - Cegielnia, the Różaniec, Sadków, Rybnica, Smolec.
- GREEN - connecting the cities Wrocławskie z Leśnicą (Wrocław), Mrozowem, Środą Śląską, Lubiążem i Wołowem. Passes in sequence through the village following communes: Kąty Wrocławskie, Sośnica, Sadowice, Małkowice, Romnów, Bogdaszowice, Samotwór
- YELLOW - connecting Brzezinkę Średzką through the western part of Wroclaw with commune of Kąty Wrocławskie, the northern part of the communes Żórawina and Święta Katarzyna, till commune of Czernica, where ends up around the Panieńskie lake . Passes through the village following commune: Samotwór, Skałka, Kębłowice, Smolec, Jaszkotle, Pietrzykowice.
- Design - connecting the city of Kąty Wrocławskie through the Bystrzyca valley till the storage reservoir in Mietków.
Marked bicycle lanes, recommended by the Down Silesian Society for Cyclists:
- LEISURE - passing a small portion of the area Gniechowice.
- Coach - leading from Kleciny (Wrocław), passing in the eastern part of the commune throug Zabrodzie and Nową Wieś Wrocławską, and ultimately leading to “The Ślężański Landscape Park."
- Professional - connecting the city of Wroclaw (Klecina), through the Bystrzyca valley with the storage reservoir in Mietek and "Ślężańskim Landscape Park." Passes successively through the village following communes: Zabrodzie, Cesarzowice, Jaszkotle, Pietrzykowice, Baranowice- Bliż, Strzeganowice, Różaniec, Sośnica, Kąty Wrocławskie.
- EuroVelo 9 - "Amber Route" is a European cycling network through Gdańsk, Poznań, Wrocław, Ołomuniec- Brno- Wiedeń- Graz- Pula = 1930 km. In the commune of Kąty Wrocławskie it crosses the spots Krzeptów-Kębłowice-Małkowice-Sadowice-Wszemiłowice-Kąty Wrocławskie.